Located in the picturesque town of Marbletown, New York, the High Falls Emporium Sculpture Garden is home to an enchanting site-specific art installation that captures the imagination of visitors. Created by contemporary artist Sam Tufnell, "Gnome Mountain" is a whimsical masterpiece that has captivated audiences since its installation on April 8, 2017.
As you approach the sculpture garden, you are drawn to a craggy cliff next to a bustling highway. But upon closer inspection, you realize that this rocky landscape is not as it seems. Thirteen colourful gnomes, lovingly crafted by Tufnell, adorn the cliffside, bringing an unexpected burst of colour and joy to the scene.
What makes Gnome Mountain truly magical is its transformation at nightfall. As the sun sets, the gnomes come alive, their vibrant hues illuminating the darkness, casting a warm glow that captivates passersby. This whimsical light display adds an element of enchantment, inviting viewers to experience the installation in a whole new way.
Gnome Mountain stands as a testament to Sam Tufnell's artistic vision and creativity. By blending elements of nature, colour, and illumination, he has created a captivating art installation that sparks joy and wonder in all who encounter it. A visit to the High Falls Emporium Sculpture Garden is a must for art enthusiasts and those seeking a touch of magic in their lives.